Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick!

Oh my gosh, we've been ill at our house! Kellie started it all, but it's now gone through everyone but Rob. I'm so ready for everyone to feel good, because the ones who are sick are generally also very grouchy. I'm not innocent of that, by the way. Ty's upstairs hacking up a lung right now and Eden is running 102 fever for the 4th day. I just hope we all get well before Christmas and our trip to see Rob's folks in Mississippi. We haven't been out there (as a family) since '03, I think.

Speaking of Christmas, my shopping is done! This is the earliest I have ever had it done and it feels sooooo great. Went out with my mom and sisters on Black Friday and got the majority finished that day. We make a day of it. Get up at 4am to be at stores at 5am and shop til lunch. After lunch a couple of my sisters went home, but Mom, Amber and I kept on truckin'! Mom soon petered out, but Amber and I stayed out until about 8pm. I do have to say that it set my recovery back a good bit. But it's still so nice to be done.

The Christmas tree is up, the decorations are in place (mostly) the kids are counting down the days. I remember those days, and am hoping that Christmas is as magical for my children as it always was for me.

So Santa, come on over! We'll have cookies and Dr. Pepper waiting, as usual. And of course some treats for your reindeer too.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jumping on the blogging bandwagon

I've decided that since I enjoy reading my friends' blogs so much that maybe I should try it myself. Right now, our lives are busy as always with Rob working, traveling, and being in the Bishopric. I'm doing the SPSO (PTA) thing at the middle school, volunteering in Eden's class and am serving as the 1st counselor in the Primary Presidency.

Ty is almost to his black belt in TaeKwonDo and is a Sophomore. He'll start Drivers' Ed in January. Unbelievable to me!

Kellie loves basketball and made the "A" team at Desert Ridge Middle School this year. They're 2 games into the season and she's really enjoying it.

Leanne just finished the Fall season of AYSO Soccer. She had a great season and shows real promise as a soccer player. She'll be starting Upward Basketball next week and that will last through the winter.

Eden also played AYSO and improved a lot from the beginning of the season. She'll also be playing basketball with the Upward organization, which is a fantastic program.

Well, there you have it! My first blog. Yay!